Duran - Duran

a view to a kill
all she wants is
come undone
electric barbarella
girls on film
hungry like the wolf
i don't want your love
is there something i should know
new moon on monday
ordinary world
planet earth
save a prayer
skin trade
the reflex
union of the snake

Do you like this song ?, do not forget to buy the cassette / cd or ringtone list, rbt or its NSP. because this blog just for hobby and artist promotion and music.


jurick said…
wah asyik juga nich blognya kebetulan aku juga punya blog yang isinya hampir sama cuma kayaknya masih kalah komplit. http://referensimusik.blogspot.com/
Idham said…
Thanks ya Jurick, mudah2an kita bisa saling mengisi.

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